Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Which Country Spends The Most Money On Music (A Surprising Study!)

Thanks to advances in modern technology, there's never been a better time to be an independent musician. 

Bands around the world can now record music in their basement, sell it on iTunes, and scan social networks like Facebook to find places to play. 

Thanks to these tools for aspiring bands, touring has never been easier.

Welcome To MoreFansForYourBand.com

Welcome to MoreFansForYourBand.com!

The goal of MoreFansForYourBand.com is to share and discuss the music marketing and promotion strategies that work best for unsigned and independent bands, musicians and solo artists.

I'll be sharing what I've learned over the years and what's worked best for me. 

Feel free to join in and share your opinion by commenting on the posts. I can also be reached at keg[at]kegrocks.com 

Let's rock!

*KEG*: The Lone Ranger Of Rock